About me

Hello, I am a second-year Master’s (thesis) student at Concordia University, Montreal, specializing in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Currently, my research primarily focuses on evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) in various discourse tasks, including segmentation, connective identification, and relation classification. This research is conducted under the supervision of Dr. Leila Kosseim at CLaC. Additionally, I am also exploring the application of LLMs for generating text that effectively captures the distinctive aspects of different characters in a game, working under the guidance of Dr. Jonathan Lessard.

I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Communications at Manipal Institute of Technology, India in 2022. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I had the privilege of engaging in several AI research projects. Notably, I served as a GRM Project Intern at IBM, working under Mr. Balaji Ganesan, where I focused on exploring the explainability of Graph Neural Networks for Tabular Data and Entity Matching. In 2021, I had the opportunity to work under the supervision of Dr. Yllias Chali at the University of Lethbridge, Canada, as part of the Mitacs Globalink Internship program. During this program, I conducted research in the areas of Text Summarization and Query Generation. Furthermore, I conducted research under the guidance of Dr. Santosh KV at MIT, Manipal. Additionally, I briefly worked as a Software Engineering Intern at Cisco Systems, India. Throughout my undergraduate years, I also served as the Expertise Head for AI and acted as a mentor at the Research Society Manipal.

My research interests include, but are not limited to, Discourse Analysis, Text Summarization and Generation, Explainable AI, and Speech Recognition. These areas of focus are particularly important to me as I aim to develop practical applications in low-resource languages, which aligns with my long-term goal. I aspire to contribute to the field by addressing challenges and advancing knowledge in these domains.

Apart from conducting research, I actively contribute to open-source initiatives in my free time. Additionally, I dedicate time to teaching high school students how to code, fostering their learning and development in this field. Moreover, as a hobby, I thoroughly enjoy acquiring proficiency in new languages. This pursuit of language learning allows me to broaden my horizons and helping my research.






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